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Aug/Sept 2020 edition
Mon-Fri calendar
Please click here to read terms of Hall hire
Contact details for the following classes click here (PLEASE CONTACT EACH INDIVIDUAL HIRER FOR CLASSES OVER HOLIDAYS)
8.15-9.15am Gentle yoga with Julie
9.30-10.30am Morning yoga with Julie
12.45-3.45pm Social cards for everyone
5.30-7pm Yoga with Julie
7-8pm Tony PT Group Fitness
7.45-8.30am Walking exercise by Empire Bay Progress Association - all welcome (free)
9.30-11am Yogo with Gail James
​​9-12pm Scrabble
3.30pm-4.30pm MH Dance Academy with Mikayla
7-8pm Tony PT Group Fitness
9.15-10.15am Tai Chi with Alain
1-3pm Singing with Barb Sheer (during school term only)
3.30-5pm MH Dance Academy with Mikayla
6.30-7.30pm Tony PT Group Fitness
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