Aug/Sept 2020 edition
Social card games
For all members of the community. Many games to be played. Contact Shirley on 4369 2034 or Jan 0402 246 427.
Julie teaches you how to build core strength, become more aware of your body and mind and how to be calm.
Julie on 0438 228 372
Mikayla Holt MH Dance Academy
Mikayla Holt MH Dance Academy has dance classes for RAD ballet, Jazz, Cheer, Acrobatics, Lyrical, Hip Hop, etc for 18 months to 25+.
Mikayla 0404 824 775
Namaste Yoga
Namaste Yoga is Hatha yoga – gentle, powerful , and healing.
Nicole’s nurturing classes blend breath awareness, slow flow and strengthening practices that build resilience and peace of mind and body. Suitable for beginners and experienced practitioners who seek the power of slower paced classes.
Nicole Turner-Butler 0404 842 601
Tony PT Fitness Class
Tony PT Group and Personal Training for all fitness levels, over 16. Great social atmosphere while you get fit and burn fat.
Anthony on 0466 303 700
Tai Chi & Qigong
Instructor Alain leads the group through this gentle form of exercise, which has been described as meditation in motion.
Alain on 0422 795 365
Inner Space Yoga and Life Coaching
Gail James
Mob: 0422 052 346
Scrabble caters for all levels. Everyone is welcome.
Shirley on 4369 2034
Singing Circle with Barb
For those who have never sung, who 'can't sing' or read music, and for those who enjoy singing and want something that's casual.
Barb 0435 004 264
Empire Bay Progress Association